• Bij jezelf komen en ontdekken dat je krachtig bent

    Wat veel mensen misschien niet weten is dat een belangrijk doel van yoga is: je te herinneren, weten, voelen, ervaren dat je meer bent dan je lichaam, je geest en emoties. Jouw verbondenheid met die grotere bron, je kan er geen woorden aan geven, je thuis voelen, heel en compleet.…

  • Doen waar je van houdt

    Recentelijk luisterde ik naar een interview met de succesvolle schrijver en spreker T. Harv Eker. In dit interview sprak hij over het belang van je passies leven en de rol van helderheid hierin. Ik deel hier met jou de belangrijkste punten uit dat interview in de hoop je te inspireren: Je…

  • Wanneer je helder bent

    Janet Attwood zegt in het boek De Passietest:  Wanneer je helder bent, dan zal wat je wil in je leven verschijnen, en alleen in díe mate waarin je helder bent! Vage ideeën geven vage resultaten. Niet voor niks zeggen ze “Clarity is Power”. Het verkrijgen van helderheid is niet iets…

  • Taking Responsibility = Claiming back your power

    You know how many people feel unhappy about certain aspects of their life and feel stuck and unable to do something about it? Somehow it feels like a situation, a person or part of yourself is holding you back to move out of the negative patterns in your life. I…

  • Coached by a horse

    About half a year ago, one of my dearest friends wrote me an email about her life in Boulder, Colorado where she and her husband bought a ranch. She explained that they will start an ‘equine assisted psychotherapy’ center there. This means that a person connects with a horse and…

  • How To Be Happy

    In order to be happy, you need to live in line with your heart. This is my conclusion after having spent 20 years and a ton of money on personal and spiritual development. Which was worth gold by the way! The best advice I ever received is “Follow you Joy!”,…

  • Living Life Without A Compass

    We all need a sense of purpose or direction in order to give meaning to our lives. Otherwise we live aimless, drifting like a boat on the sea with the wind blowing us in all different directions and we eventually may even hit the cliffs and end up shipwrecked. When…

  • The Importance Of Passion

    Passion is incredibly important. The deep longing, the desire that springs from the heart of each person gives drive, motivation. When you follow your passions you will experience joy and fulfillment. Each person has unique talents and gifts to offer to the world. When you deviate from the path of…

  • Things That Hold You Back

    There are several things that can hold you back from living your passions. You might think that you don’t have any passions because you don’t have big dreams. Please realize this: Your dreams don’t need to be big. Whatever it is that makes you feel happy is perfect. Janet Attwood…